The Apartheid Policy of South Africa

            Canada is still correcting unjust treatment of our Aboriginal citizens, and.

             However, Canada has a better record, than.

             another former British colony, South Africa. For 250 years, South African.

             treatment of its original peoples, was an international shame.

             "Apartheid" meaning 'separateness' was the law and the policy of South.

             Africa that defined an evil, racist system of denying the rights of non-.

             white people in the country.

             Apartheid created a nation where a minority of white citizens enjoyed.

             prosperity and health, by dominating 5 times as many non-whites. The whites.

             kept the non-whites poor, malnourished, poorly educated and without even.

             the basic rights and freedoms that all Canadians are guar-anteed.

             Apartheid - 'separateness' - made South Africa separate - shunned by much.

             of the civilized world as a police state as hateful as any in world.

             history for anyone but white citizens.

             Apartheid laws 'sorted' people in terms of racial origin, to ensure white.

             citizens got "the best land, the best jobs, the best social services; all.

             other races got the leftovers" according to a 1989 Canadian Governmentreport,.

             South Africa has changed in just a few years. the first election to allow.

             all citizens to vote for a new government and a new system came took place.

             only in 1994, after decades of racial injustice.

             That first free, all-race election chose a black man, Nelson Manila,.

             elected President of South Africa. after he spent 26 years in jail, for.

             opposing the 'apartheid' of the former white supremacist government.

             South Africa's reform came very slowly and painfully, after many years of.

             widespread injustice, racial discrimination, bloodshed, and violence.

             against its non-white citizens.

             Non-violent resistance, combined with organized underground sabotage and.

             terrorism by the African National Congress in 1961. ANC leader Nelson.

             Manila was sentenced to life in prison for sabotage in 1964. Government.

             crackdowns defeated the underground.

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