themselves. .
Another poem that shows her love for God, is Upon the Burning of Our House. In the.
second stanza, she says that she "cried out to God," asking him to strengthen her in her distress,.
and not to leave her without a sense of being taken care of. She trusted her life to the Lord, and.
because of that, she felt that he would help her through all the trials and temptations in her life. .
She fully believes that the Lord will help her heart to feel at peace while her house is burning.
down right in front of her. In the seventh stanza, Bradford talks about how her wealth doesn"t.
abide on earth, but in Heaven. She ends the poem saying farewell to her house, but she knows.
that her treasure and hope lie above, so she trusts the Lord did what needed to be done. She also.
describes a little bit of heaven in the eighth stanza of this poem. Through her many mentions of.
God, and of Heaven, she shows how high they were held to be in her society in the early.
American colonies. I like that she is telling the readers how the early colonists made the.
foundation of the United States on their belief in God. I like the way she states her belief openly.
that she totally trusts God with her whole heart and soul, and that she writes about it so openly. It.
was common to write about it then, but for her poems that mention God so lovingly to be read so.
much in schools today is surprising, because the schools try to stay as far away from the subject.
of Christianity as they can get. .
Bradstreet also leads her readers to believe that she holds the beauty of life very highly. .
In her poem, In Memory of My Dear Grandchild Elizabeth Bradstreet, Who deceased August.
1665 Being a Year and a Half Old, she describes many instances of things when their seasons.
come to an end, they fall, or die. She states in the last line that the Lord guides nature and fate. .
She is sorrowful that her grandchild died, but she believes that her season on earth was over, and.
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