March 1887, Helen was eventually able to learn to read by the Braille system and to write using a special typewriter. Annie Sullivan had.
certain connection with Helen, she was once blind. Annie had become blind when she was two and she had contracted trachoma. She.
was poor growing up, could not afford an education, and lived in a poorhouse. One day she ran up to a group of visitors and yelled "I.
want to go to school." R.F. Sanborn, a Boston philanthropist, was impressed by Annie's desperate plea and recommended sending her to.
Perkins Institute, which was an expensive school. Annie went there with his help and used the same courage that caused her to shout ou.
t her plea to survive there. At the age of sixteen, Annie had an operation on her eyes and was able to see again and was allowed to stay at.
Perkins because she had no family, money, or way of living on her own. She graduated in the top of her class in 1886 and had grown.
from an awkward, illiterate child into a poised, articulate young women. She was told about a position to help a young blind and deaf gir.
l learn about the world and accepted the job with the Keller family. For many months before she left she practiced reading. She went to.
Alabama shortly after another surgery on her eyes with only a suitcase of clothes, a doll, and a few books in Braille. .
Annie slowly taught Helen the names of objects like cake and doll, but Helen did not realize the connection between the symbols.
with her hands and the objects. She thought that it was just a game, and sometimes a bad game. She was force to use utensils and learn.
their symbols after many fights. She could never make the connection until one day when her hand was placed under running water. .
Helen later wrote:.
.as the cool stream gushed over one hand, Annie spelled into the other the word water, first slowly, then rapidly. I stood still,.
my whole attention fixed upon the motions of her fingers.
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