As a result of the experience under British domination, Congressional leaders were apprehensive about creating a strong central government. Consequently the Articles provided for a weak central government. Consisting of only a one-house legislature. The Articles contained no provision for a chief executive to enforce the laws and no provisions for courts to handle disputes between citizens of different states. IN addition, for Congress to add an amendment, the Articles required the unanimous approval of the thirteen states. Thus, the Articles undoubtedly contained various structural defects. Perhaps of paramount importance was the government"s lack of legislative power under the Articles of Confederation. This weakness created a myriad of problems for the government, particularly in regard to the economic sector. For example, under the Articles Congress could not tax the people directly. Instead, it could only request the states to supply funds. However, such requests were generally rejected. Furthermore, under the Articles, Congress lacked the power to mandate a uniform currency. Consequently, many merchants were reluctant to engage in business outside their own states. This factor, coupled with the inability of Congress to control foreign currencies hampered American trade. Finally, another factor that shows the Articles were ineffective was Shay"s Rebellion. Shay"s rebellion was a disgruntled agrarian revolt. It was an uprising of economically depressed farmers in western Massachusetts in 1786. The debtor farmers demanded relief and attacked the Springfield arsenal. Many of the leaders, like Jefferson., were afraid this event might trigger others and start a new revolution. This revolt led to call for amends to the Articles and as stated earlier this could only be achieved by unanimous vote. .
When leaders realized that the Articles needed to be amended they formed the Constitutional Convention, a group of delegates from the states to write the new Constitution.
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