Many adolescents turn to abortion because they would not be.
able to cover the expenses of having a child. Statistics show that prenatal care is .
approximately four hundred dollars. This amount of money is a small percent of a.
baby"s after expenses (Roumayah 2). Aborting a fetus seems more desirable to.
some teens having their baby living in poverty. Another group that finds abortion.
to be a better alternative are the teens who feel that they are not yet mature.
enough to handle the responsibilities of motherhood. A teen who "lacks.
experience in the world" may think that their incapacity for parenting would result.
in more pain to the child than the option of abortion (Oettinger 82).
Like every option, abortion has several drawbacks. Teens who cannot.
afford legal abortion, are too late in their pregnancy to obtain a legal abortion, or.
whose parents will not consent to the abortion will seek out illegal ones or attempt.
to perform their own. These unprofessional abortions often lead to complications.
such as excessive bleeding, infection, and damage to the reproductive organs.
(Roumayah 1).
In addition to the possibility that the abortion will damage the body, the.
procedure often affects the mind. Research shows that teens may undergo.
behavioral difficulties both before and after the procedure. Some psychologists.
say that it may be more difficult for teens than adult woman to have an abortion. .
Adolescents are more likely to use immature defenses such as denial, and "acting.
out" their conflicts on others (Roumayah 2). .
Abortion can be looked up on as bad because the other options such as.
adoption and keep the child. Many teens feel that it is wrong to terminate life of.
their fetus. This leads into moral debate over whether the fetus is a person with.
the right to live or a non-entity. Teens who decide on abortion are often faced.
with, and unable to handle, protesters, such as pro-life groups, that stand outside.
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