Man is suppose to be the defender of the innocent, not the destroyer. He explains how the man who kills the innocent is one who has been deceived by the Devil, because only Satan delights in.
the death of the living.
"You shall not kill" represents the extreme limit which cannot be exceeded. It is meant to encourage man to see life with respect and lead to the promotion of life with love. Along with the teaching that one shall not kill another, is this, as stated in the Didache, the most ancient non-biblical Christian writing: "you shall not put a child to death by abortion nor kill it once it is born . The way of death is this: . they kill their children and by abortion cause God"s creatures to parish . they are filled with sin." As time goes on, the Church will continue to teach the undeniable value on the first commandment. Even in the first centuries, murder was considered one of the three most serious sins. This should not come as a surprise. To kill something that was created by, and in the image of, God should be considered a serious sin.
The most important case involving the first commandment of 'You shall not kill" is when it refers to innocent human beings. This is especially so when it refers to defenseless, weak, human beings such as an unborn child or infant. The taking of an innocent life, especially at it"s beginning or end, is gravely immoral. This direct and voluntary action will always be regarded as morally evil and can never be considered as necessary, either as an end, or as means to a good end. "Nothing and no none can in any way permit the killing of an innocent human being, whether a fetus or an embryo, and infant of an adult . no one is permitted to ask for this act of killing, either for him/herself or for another person entrusted to his or her care . Nor can any authority legitimately recommend or permit such an action" (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith).
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