During this period, most of the paintings also display figures of tragedy. .
In April of 1904, Picasso went to Paris and decided to stay there for good. It was there, in Paris, that he met Fernande Olivier who describes Picasso (at the age of 23) as follows: .
"Small, dark, stocky, restless, disquieting, with eyes somber, deep, piercing, strange, almost staring. Clumsy gestures, womanish hands, badly dressed, rather messy. Thick hair, black and lustrous, slashing across his intelligent and stubborn forehead. Half bohemian, half worker in his appearance." .
Picasso's Rose Period was a result of the happiness he found with one of his mistress and started soon after they met in 1904. During this period, his works were filled with delicate pinks and the figures, while still somewhat sad, were not desolate as the subjects of the Blue Period had been; figures became more lively and family groups replaced the lonely prostitutes and beggars of earlier works. .
Picasso, who liked to attend the Medrano Circus with his friends, became influenced and aroused with what he saw. This resulted in many portraits of circus people and circus life in general. Such portraits are as follows: "Girl on a Ball" (1905, State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow), "Taciturn and Androgynous Harlequins", "Flatness of Frescoes", "Family of Saltimbanques" and also his famous "Woman with a Fan", an unsmiling woman who raises a hand as though bidding farewell to the works of Picasso's youth.
It was during a stay at Gosol, in Spain, in the summer of 1906, that he began to paint solid, distorted female nudes at there toilets, seen in "The Coiffure" (Metropolitan Museum of Fine Art, New York City), "Nude on Red Background" (Louvre, Paris), and "La Toilette." .
Suddenly, between the end of 1906 and the spring of 1907, Picasso painted a revolutionary and uncompleted work called: "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" which was an inspiration given to him by a Postimpressionist painter, Paul Cezanne.
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