A Work Force of Millennials

            Over the years, there has been much information gathered on America's vastly different generational groupings. Beginning with the Silent Generation and surging onward to Baby Boomers, Generation X'ers and Millennial's, every generation is shaped by common experiences and share unique characteristics. .

             Those born between 1981 and the year 2000 are referred to as "Millennial's" and are, perhaps, the most revolutionary generation thus far. "The culture and times to which they were born shaped them in very distinct ways."(Junginger 3) With this generation, training and supervision needs will impact human resources unlike any former generation. Although these different characteristics may create obstacles such as different learning methods and the "everyone is a winner"" philosophy, these individuals and their uninhibited mindsets are what will shape the future. The faster that a company and their human resource department adapts to contemporary employees - the Millennial's - the better and more successful the company will become.

             Millennial's are a "technology driven society and the most educated generation, with pressure to excel academically" (University of Iowa School of Social Work). With technology playing such an enormous role with this generation, employers are expected to on par with their technological knowledge. The teaching/training of Millennial's is a unique process because they value teamwork and appreciate working collaboratively. "Because Millennial's are more team oriented, they feel most accomplished when their team reaches a goal",(TDS Workforce Performance Solutions). Those within the Millennial generation are motivated by different things. .

             Millennial's are the "most globally oriented generation with the combined work ethic of Baby Boomers with the can-do attitude of Silent Generation/Veterans and the technological savvy of Generation-Xer's",(University of Iowa School of Social Work).

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