The Benefits of Friendship

I named her Godmother of my child. A few months later a decision was made to get back together with my daughters father. This was where I realized that she really was not a true friend. She has not spoken one word to me since this event occurred. .

             In 2009, I met another girl that I begin to consider my best friend, which didn't end up lasting very long. I being dating a guy that she did not approve of. My dad had just passed away and my mom was in the hospital. She was supposed to come visit my mom with me, when last minute she didn't want to because this guy was coming also. Turned out that it was because her husband decided he didn't want her around this guy, mind you her husband had did much worst then this guy I was dating ever did. I told her she had no right to judge someone or something she had no idea about, and that her husband has done much worst things. Somehow we both feel apart after this incident. If this would have been a true friendship, we both would have shook it off like it never really happened.

             That same year, I met my best friend now of almost four years. This lady came into my life in very strange way. She was dating my ex-boyfriend and had added me on Facebook. I had thought that all she wanted was information to give to him about me, I wasn't having it. At first I was not very nice to her, but it turned out that all she really wanted to do was help out a bit with the whole custody battle that I was going through with my daughters' father. She even ended up coming to the court house as a witness to his horribleness. .

             From that very day we ended up hanging out a lot. We became closer and closer. She truly has been an inspiration in my life. She is smart, beautiful inside and out, and the strongest women I have ever met. We have been through a lot together, and no matter what the issue is, we are always there for each other. She is the one person that knows absolutely everything about me and at the end of the day still loves me.

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