Implementing a Flexible Work Schedule

             Flexible work schedules provide employees options regarding their working schedules for standard work week (Monday-Friday). These options include working from home (on occasion) to working a compacted amount of hours within the work week, limiting the amount of days in which the employee has to come into the office. Flexible work schedules are usually implemented with the intention of allowing employers the opportunity to have a well-balanced lifestyle between home and work. The primary or most popular work option chosen is flex-time (Russell H. O'Connell, 2009). Flex-time allows employees to negotiate there hours within the limits of management. Another option is a compressed work week which means that you have worked your 40 hours in less than the standard 5 days. An option that is becoming popular for industries that are technology focused if call job-sharing. Job-sharing allows employees to divide the work load between two employees, which gives each employee the flexibility of working virtually or from different parts of the country (Russell H. O'Connell, 2009). And then there is telecommuting, means that employees can complete their work time obligations from the leisure of their homes or a preferred location. .

             The following Chart provides is a brief description of the flexible work options:.

             Compressed Work Week .

             A work schedule that condenses one or more standard workweeks into fewer, longer days. .


             A work schedule with variable starting and ending times, within limits set by one's supervisor/manager. Employees still work the same number of scheduled hours as they would under a traditional arrangement.


             An arrangement in which two or more part-time (or occasional) employees share the responsibilities of one full-time job at a pro-rated salary. .

             Part-time Work .

             A work schedule that is less than full-time but is at least half of the regularly scheduled full time workweek.

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