Socio-Cultural Influences on Sexuality

            "Sexuality is an important part of our lives"(King, 2012, p.1), and a reoccurring theme throughout our development. The role that sexuality plays in each of our lives is so important that we see its influence through multiple sources in life, including media and social culture. No matter where you look in society some sort of sexuality is present; whether walking in the mall, observing the family life, or watching teens socialize. What is it though that makes a sexually relationship healthy? Is it attraction, intimacy, love, or interactions with each other? Through this paper we will discuss all the aspects of socio-cultural influences on sexuality, as well as the healthy relationship. .

             Education Within the Family.

             It was Rathus (1993) who told us "human sexuality is the way in which we experience and express ourselves as sexual beings." It only makes sense that through our environment we learn what is appropriate or inappropriate behavior, even when talking about sex. History is flourished with studies on the affects of sexual experiences, and cultural influences. It was Freud who taught us that we begin our exploration of sex at an early age through psuedosexual stages (Rana, 1977). .

             His second essay on Infantile Sexuality discussed the early childhood stages and perversions that affect all.(Rana, 1977) During this controversial time it is the parents who show young children how to act. Therefore, in a family that hugs and touches each other lovingly we should expect to see the children to do so as well. Children are known for mimicking or "parroting " behavior in which they attempt to learn the societal norms. With this as the basis of a child's development as a sexual being they should be off to a good start.

             Media Motivators and Sexual Education.

             Unfortunately, parents are not the only influence on a child's development in sexuality. From magazine articles to movies we are surrounded by relationships, some are healthy and some are not.

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