Lifestyles that Lead to Obesity

            The debate over whether or not obesity is a disease grows as obesity rates and the cost of treating obesity-related conditions increase in the United States. Proponents stress that obesity is a disease because it is a result of genetics and biological factors, or illnesses that cause weight gain. Opponents argue that obesity is not a disease because it is the result of a person's chosen lifestyle, eating habits, and environment. Obesity is defined as "A condition that is characterized by excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body and that in an adult is typically indicated by a body mass index of 30 or greater" (Merriam-Webster). Lifestyle is the main reason why people become obese. Results of recent studies strongly indicate that lifestyles rather than genetics or biological factors are causing an obese society because people choose to not exercise, not to watch their diet, and to eat fast food.

             Even though there are many reasons that cause obesity, overeating is one of the most important. As we grow up and are exposed to fad diets, advertising uses food as a reward. Many of us unlearn the balanced way of eating and begin to overeat. Nowadays fast food restaurants are using tricks to sell more food. For example, if someone wants to buy a regular meal which includes regular burger, fries, and a coke for $6, he can get the bigger size just for adding 60 cents to his meal. But people don't know that their regular meal has around 590 calories, and by adding the super-size for the fries and the coke their meal will meal will be around 1,600 calories. According to the official McDonald's website, "A medium (5.2-oz.) fries have: 450 calories, a large fries weighs 6.2 ounces and has 540 calories, go for the gusto and grab the super-sized serving (7 oz.) and your tally jumps to 610 calories. One Big Mac will whack you with 590 calories, add in the medium fries and Coke to find I wolfed down 1,250 calories, the super-sized sides, would be a whopping 1,610 calories " (McDonalds.

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