Neck & Neck Business Strategy

            Which have been the key elements for "NECK & NECK" success? .

             The elements that helped in the success of "Neck & Neck" are the following:.

             - Create a brand image. It's very important to consolidate the brand. The "Made in Spain" brand had an important position in the international market, so it was very important to achieve a new brand positioning. "Neck & Neck" is an exclusive brand for children. "Neck & Neck" is recognized under the brand name "Made in Spain".

             - Professionalism. Since the Zamacola family took over the management of "Neck & Neck", the company began to have continuous growth. This is due to investing time and energy into creating an efficient and professional team. Although the previous management had an adequate business strategy, they had an overall inefficient management team. The new administration is focused on being professional in every aspect of their business.

             - Brand Franchise. "Neck & Neck" established a new plan to grow and expand the business globally. The new strategy included the creation of franchises. Each new store is expensive so the franchise is a strategy to reduce the economy impact. Also, the franchises will help introduce the brand in the international market.

             One of "NECK & NECK" goals is to become a major supplier of children's clothing. .

             Do you think they have taken the right decision about their internationalization strategy?.

             Internationalization is a very important strategy for "Neck & Neck" growth. Certainly, the foreign franchises provide information about the culture, preferences, and prices of each location. This information helps to establish the design and product strategy. Each place is different. It is recommended that the businesses be managed by local people. The internalization of "Neck & Neck" give a competitive edge to the company. Franchisees provide information needed to make decisions regarding distribution, production and marketing. Also, according with the General Manager, "Neck & Neck" uses a portion of it's cash flow to invest in foreign stores.

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