Generational Leader Portrait: Sandra Cisneros

            Sandra Cisneros is a very important part of Latino society.

             Hispanic/American author who has written many well known books. Sandra .

             Cisneros is admired by many people because through her writings she .

             demonstrates how Chicano's see the world from their own perspective. .

             Not only does she show what many Chicano's go through, but she makes her.

             stories interesting and uses imagery which makes you feel as if you're .

             part of the story, experiencing what the main characters are feeling. .

             Her novels have realistic experiences which many people relate to. .

             What makes her novels different from others is that she always shows.

             the bright side of an obstacle no matter how big or small it is.

             Sandra Cisneros is important because she is a prominent Hispanic female .

             author. She's admired by many literary scholars because she doesn't only speak .

             up for Latinos but for women as well. She considers herself a feminist because she .

             has spoken out for women who either do not have the courage to or don't know .

             how to stand up for themselves. .

             Sandra has become a leader not only for speaking out for women but for men as well.

             She is a step forward to change because as people see her standing up for them, .

             they will begin standing up for others as well. Sandra is well known for her novel.

             "The House on Mango Street"" which was about a her character Esperanza dealing.

             through different types of conflicts as she begins growing up. Sandra shows what.

             some girls may deal with as they begin maturing through out the years. .

             For example in "The House on Mango Street", her character is a teenager.

             searching for her identity and has to witness many things in order to find it.

             Many teenagers go through that as well which could relate to her character in the .

             story. That's something I liked about her novel because I had .

             some sort of connection with what her character saw and dealt with.

             Sandra impacted the United States by showing the Latino community that .

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