Good Business Leadership

            Having a good leadership is an important factor for a company's success.

             "The Art of War", by Sun Tzu, explores the five fundamental factors that make good and effective leadership. He states, "the leader of the army is the arbiter of the people's fate."" (Sun Tzu 47), which means that the one who leads the army is ultimately responsible for the lives of the people he's fighting for. This quote can also be applied to the books we read in class this semester:.

             "Who Says Elephant Can't Dance?"," by Louis Gerstner, "The Goal"," by Eliyahu Goldratt and "The Principles of War", by Karl Von Clausewitz.


             In the book of "The Goal", leadership was demonstrated through a man names Alex. Alex wasn't didn't expect others to do all the work. He was a good listener and when it came to facing problems, he didn't run away from them. Alex sought wise council from his professor and when he received advice, he wrote it down so that he could commit it memory: "Meanwhile, I started to write down a list of the actions Johan suggested last night"" (Goldratt 162). .

             In "Who Says Elephant Can't Dance?"", Lou, the leader of a small company stepped up to help IBM make a pivotal transition from a process driven company to one that was market driven. By making the changes at IBM, Lou led that company to a place where they were able to avoid a huge financial crisis. But making the necessary changes to IBM's structure wasn't easy and Lou relied on the advice and wisdom of his colleagues. He insisted that they work as a team. Using a force coercion strategy, Lou and his team were able to turn things around at IBM - so much so that all IBM employees reaped the benefits of a newly instituted profit sharing plan. .

             "The Art of War"", states the following; "To know your enemy, you must become your enemy." This means that it's important to recognize what or who your opponent is, what makes them tick, what strategies are they using that you need to treat as an obstacle to climb over? .

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