Progressive Social Media

Sometimes though, this can lead to another con. Spending too much time with online friends leaves less time to spend with your real friends. Because there is no face to face in online chat rooms this allows people to act or say things in ways that they may not normally if they were face to face. This could also be a pro or a con, depending on the situation. Another con of chat rooms; they still have to wait for the other person to be online. If people want to chat with someone and they are not online, the chat room isn't going to do them much good. People sometimes prearrange times to chat with another person. This is one way to overcome this con. Also people that have a hard time fitting in the social circles can use the power of social networking to express and voice the opinions. Malcolm Gladwell stated in The New Yorker online news article, "Small Change", the new tools of social media is making it easier for the powerless to collaborate, coordinate, and give voice to their concerns. " .

             Next, I will discuss social networking sites. Some examples of social networking sites would be MySpace, Facebook,, and Twitter. Social networking can be a wonderful and fun way to keep in touch and communicate with your family, friends, and colleagues. They can save your time and effort. If people need to get in touch with someone, and both members of the same social networking site, they can quickly and easily send him/her a message on the site. Malcolm Gladwell give an example of the strength of social media in The New Yorker online news article, Small Change," Bhatia a person suffering with leukemia and needed a bone-marrow transplant, but could not find a match among friends and relatives, so they reached out to Facebook and YouTube asking for help. Eventually, nearly twenty-five thousand new people were registered in the bone-marrow database, which a match was found. " .

             Instead of having to make arrangements and plans to meet at a certain place, at a certain time, you can discuss things on the site, like a chat room.

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