The Massive Impact of Smart Phones

            Technology has improved a lot in over the last few decades. One of the best and biggest technological advancements is the creation of smart phone. A smart phone is a device which offers more advanced computing and connectivity than regular mobile devices - in other words, it's much more than a phone. It's a piece of equipment, small in size but very powerful. Although smart phones can be used to make and receive phone calls, they have many other features. Smart phones are changing the way people around the world live, work, study, communicate, play, pay and create. .


             The growing technology of the smart phone has an especially huge impact on the younger generations - and it's not all positive. Having access to a smart phone gives the owner a sense of power because in his or her hand is a tool that can be used for good and a weapon that can literally destroy a life. Along with the popularity of smart phones came an increase in the reports of bullying. Young people were beginning to use their phone's communication applications to send cruel messages, private videos and to spread hurtful gossip. Having a smart phone in hand gives it's owner the ability to instantly send lies or rumors hurling into cyberspace. .


             A positive aspect of having a smart phone is it's simplicity of use for educational purposes. New technology of smart phones makes it easier for individuals to stay connected on and off campus. The smart phone makes E-learning experiences easier and efficient. The answer to billions of legitimate questions can be found online. If you can formulate a question, chances are somebody has already posted an answer. .

             Another impact of smart phone is on advertisements and consumers. Businesses started to invest in mobile advertisements and smart phone apps which increase access to their websites. By making their products easy to purchase, consumers are able to buy almost whatever they want, whenever they want, without spending time driving to a store or shopping in a mall.

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