Rules of European Citizenship

            The relevant legal basis concerning the deportation of a woman seeking.

             asylum falls under the following provisions: Art.3 TFEU (on EU arms), Art.5.

             TFEU (on the principle of subsidiarity and proportionality), Art.18,.

             Art.19, Art.157 (on prohibition on discrimination on grounds of sex,.

             nationality, ethnicity, religion), Art.48 TFEU (on arrangements on.

             immigrants), Art.67 (the EU shall frame a common policy on asylum,.

             immigration and external border) Art.68 (on strategic guidelines within the.

             area of freedom, security and justice), Art.72 (on temporary derogations.

             regarding the maintains law, order, and internal security), Art.78 (on.

             development a common policy on asylum), Art.79 TFEU (on development of.

             common immigration policy), Art.153 (on protection of workers when contract.

             terminates and legally residing third-country nationals). The relevant.

             secondary legislations are: Geneva Convention of July 28 1951 on the status.

             of refugees, amended 31 January 1967; Reg.343/2003 clarifying Member State.

             (MS) responsibility for examining an asylum of the application (harmonized.

             criteria)-only one MS to consider an application-Eurodac creation,.

             Dir.2011/95 on standards for the qualification of third-country nationals,.

             Dir.2003/9 on reception conditions for asylum-seekers (Art.8 on families;.

             Art.11 on employment; Art.17 on people with special needs - MS shall take.

             into account the specific situation of vulnerable people; decisions shall.

             be based on the particular situation of the person concerned, especially.

             with regard to persons covered by Art.17, taking into account the principle.

             of proportionality;[1]Dir.2005/85 on minimum standards on asylum procedures.

             in MS granting and withdrawing refugee status (Art.11 on obligations of the.

             applicants), Dir.2009/50 on Blue card, Dir.2008/115 (Shame Dir.) on.

             deportation and a country of safe return.

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