New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)









             The target audience is composed by primary target and secondary target described as following:.



             Girls and Boys, 16-18 years old, living in urban areas, junior and senior high school students, interested in going to college, from northeast region, have flexible transportation, want a variety of academics programs, want an attracting school area, concerned about their education.

             Secondary Target.

             - Men and women, 40-55 years old, living in northeast region of US, fixed job, .

             income medium to high, holding at least college diploma, have children in high.

             school, want to keep their children close to home, highly interested in media.

             news, highly envolved in their children life.

             - Men and women with ages in between 24-38 who do not have a college diploma yet.

             or who want to pursue a graduate program, US citizens, living in northeast.

             2. Reach 75% of the target audience at least once. (15.000 people).

             3. Increase number of applications with 5% than last year, total of 4000 applications.

             4. Use pulse scheduling during the campaign as following.

             - January to March will be radio advertising and online advertising through website.

             and social media two weeks in advance of open house on January 27th. .

             - From March to May flight schedule with more frequent exposures in March.

             and May, less frequency in April.

             - May to October continuous ad schedule with a constant flow of advertising.

             - From October to December will be a flight schedule. During September and the.

             beginning of October, NYIT will host different events for prospective students,.

             so a frequent advertising is needed during this period. From the middle of October.

             the frequency will keep going lower and lower towards the end of December.

             II. MEDIA STRATEGIES.

             Non-Traditional Media.

             Mailings represent the most successful form of advertising for spreading the knowledge about the school.

             I will apply a recruiting process as being part of the advertising campaign and it will follow the next steps:.

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