Four Business Types - Pros and Cons

Law related to copy rights gives the author or creator of work the exclusive rights for limited time span in order to promote creativity & allow control over use of artistic creations. Authors have been given powers to manage the characters (like The Hulk, Iron Man etc) as created by them & any one copying it definitely attract legal provisions (Chapter 17 of the United States Code). However there is the right of public to benefit from the authors work but that too exist on supposition that once copyrightable work enters public domain, others should be allowed to benefit from it and can make make it better for the excellence of all. .

             Where Copyright law protect original writings of an author & dealt with character development and individualization protection trademark laws actually take care trademarks commercial value & designed to safeguard endures against confusion as to source or authorization of an item. Therefore trademark owner has given control over use of the sign or mark in association with those goods and services for which mark symbolizes. .

             The Securities Act of 1933 which originally introduced on account of economic crisis of 1929 and mainly focus on two main objectives: First, to ensure more transparency in financial statements so as to facilitate investors to take informed decisions and second, to establish stringent laws to curb fraudulent activities/misrepresentation in securities markets.


             Whereas the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 derived to provide for governance of securities transactions in secondary market & to regulate stock exchanges and intermediaries (broker-dealers) to protect public investments. The main purpose of Securities Act of 1933 was to maximize the disclosure of financial through the detailed process of registration of securities. In case investor suffers losses on account of misleading information, they have recovery rights on proving that losses arises due to incomplete or inaccurate information.

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