Computer and Internet Hacking

            We live in a society where obeying the laws is part of our culture. Of course, there will always be people who attempt to break the rules and disrupt society. That's human nature. Crime can happen anywhere and can even invade our homes. In fact, our computers and laptops are prime targets for the criminally minded. These criminals, known as "hackers" have the knowledge to steal or damage information on the internet - information from personal bank accounts to top-secret government files. Computer hackers must have a very good understanding of computers, know the ins and outs of the internet, and possess an ability to indulge in criminal activity. .


             It's certainly a myth that anyone with computer intelligence or wearing a "computer nerd," label is a hacker. But in the movie "Hackers", this stereotype is strongly reinforced. Throughout the film, nearly every person with access to a computer was some sort of hacker; good hackers, bad hackers, and really crazy hackers. In my personal experience, even though I'm surrounded by people who thrive in the world of computers and the internet, I don't know a single person who has hacked another person's database, let alone attempted to hack into big business or government files. .

             Being fearful of hackers on the internet is like being fearful of thieves in the real world. A lot of the negative encounters depend on where you are and, more importantly, how you respond. Amy Bruckman's article "Finding One's Own in Cyberspace" gives a good example of this. She recalled one question from a worried internet user, "Are women harassed on the Net?" Her thoughtful reply was, "It's like asking: Are women comfortable in bars? Which bar?" (qtd. in Bruckman 171) The internet is full of all different kinds of communities or bars in her analogy, some are friendly, and some are not. Hanging out in an online hackers community or other communities not for an average everyday man or woman is like having your wallet hang out in a dark ally in New York.

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