Has British Food Become Trendy?

According to Alice Quillet and Anna Trattles, anglo-french chefs at the Bal Cafe, there is two reasons to this trend: "we have noticed a come-back of the traditional and local meals in England, more and more revisited by young chefs". They also add: "They have more freedom too; they have no obligations, while in France the cuisine is really settled"". .


             We notice and understand very quickly that English food is now famous for its simplicity and the noticeable taste of its ingredients. Yet English gastronomy has a complex history. Influenced by former British colonies like India, English meals often combine simplicity and exotic flavors. Both chefs insist on the fact that "English recipes are less intimidating and easier to realize thanks to the new chefs". Some of those English chefs have become very famous, and part of the UK elite, like Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsay or Nigella Lawson. They have completely revolutionized English cuisine, thanks to their TV shows and books, and are attempting to convert even greater numbers to the delights of British cuisine.


             When we think about the new era of English chefs, it is always the same name that comes in mind: Jamie Oliver. According to many magazines, he is the culinary revelation of the last decade; he is the one who restored English cuisine's image and is probably one of the many reasons leading to this new enthusiasm for British cuisine. Quickly recognized as a great chef, he created a revolution on television with his food shows - cooking with simplicity, dynamism, and easy to follow recipes. He is also the author of many cookbooks about English cuisine and its origins. When we take a look at the show summary, we instantly understand that he is trying to highlight all the different aspects of British cuisine: "In this new six-part series Jamie Oliver travels the length and breadth of the country in search of new ideas and inspiration for recipes and to find out what makes British food great.

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