The Right to Marry

             Imagine living in a world where you are made to believe that you are free.

             You are made to believe that everyone around you is just like you, that you are.

             all created equal. Now, imagine one day the right to marry the person you love.

             gets taken away. You are torn and devastated and don't understand why others.

             around you can get married and you are not given that same right. This has become.

             a reality for most lesbian and gay couples today.

             B. As college students, we have become the generation that looks at the bigger picture.

             and can make a difference in other people's lives.

             C. We have a voice and that voice should speak for all those gay and lesbian couples.

             seeking out their right to marry and legalize gay marriage.

             D. Today, I'm going to explain the reasons why gay marriage should be legalized and.

             the benefits of making it legal.

             There are a few reasons why gay marriage should be legalized:.

             A. The first is gay marriage will allow same-sex couples to gain all the same rights and.

             benefits heterosexual couples have.

             1. According to, the federal government accords 1, 138 benefits.

             and responsibilities based on marital status, not on civil union or domestic.

             partnership status.

             2. A few of those benefits are unpaid leave to care for an ill spouse, social.

             security survivor benefits and spousal benefits, and the right not to testify.

             against one's spouse, among others.


             B. The second is allowing gay marriage will better the confidence for lesbian and gay individuals.

             1. The American Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association, and others.

             wrote in a Sep. 2007 amicus brief, ".allowing same-sex couples to marry would.

             give them access to the social support that already facilitates and strengthens.

             heterosexual marriages, with all of the psychological and physical health.

             benefits associated with that support.

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