Hair and Nail Salon Review

            The place that I chose to visit is the B. As I observed the interior, I couldn't help but notice what a vertical and narrow the space it is. The modern design reminded me of a spa. The walls, tile and floors are white, the sleek, orange chairs are aligned in perfect rows and fancy mirrors have been mounted on the walls. A massage chair sits in the front window where it can be seen the moment you enter the salon. For an oriental flare, there is a solar-powered Chinese kitty sitting in the window, waving hello and goodbye as customers enter and leave. .

             Both I visited the salon, I got a different vibe. I decided to visit the hair salon twice on Tuesday the 20th of October. My first visit was at 10:30am. When I arrived, two of the employees were standing in front of the shop smoking cigarettes. When I entered, the receptionist asked me what service I would like, but to stay "undercover" I told him that I was waiting for a friend to arrive and we would be getting pedicures together. As I sat down on the couch, I noticed that there was no music playing in the salon. Typically, a hair and nail salon will have some type of music playing softly in the background. .

             As I waited and watched, three customers walked in looking extremely happy. Their attitudes were the exact opposite of those of the salon employees. The employees looked as if they all had a bad attitude, almost as if they had no desire to be working. As I observed the three customers, I noticed that two of the three were older women. I determined that they were most likely retired women who were out for the day and happy to be getting their hair and nails done. The other customer looked like she was in her middle thirties, possibly a housewife taking time off in the middle of the day to pamper herself.

             For my second visit that day, I arrived at 4pm. The salon was much busier and the atmosphere had changed - music was playing and the employees seemed a little more pleasant.

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