The Effects of Nuclear Power on the Environment

This process is fission.

             (U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology, n.d.). The heat .

             from this process can be used to generate electricity in power plants (n.d.).

             Discovery of Fission.

             Enrico Fermi. In Rome, 1934, Enrico Fermi, an Italian physicist, showed in his .

             experiment that neutrons could be separated into many kinds of atoms (U.S. Department of .

             Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology, n.d.). In order to do this, he .

             tried to split uranium with a bombardment of neutrons (n.d.). The result of his experiment is .

             unexpected (n.d.). He and his team were the first group to found the process that is now called .

             nuclear chain reaction (n.d.).

             Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman. Otto Hahn was interested in the work of Enrico Fermi .

             who showed that uranium is the heaviest element (Otto Hahn, Encyclopedia Britannica, 2009).

             In 1938, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman used neutrons from radium and beryllium to bombard .

             uranium (U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology, n.d.). .

             This action created the new element that was called barium. Hahn and Strassman contacted.

             Lise Meitner to publish their discovery. She and Otto R. Frisch, who was Hahn"s nephew, .

             thought the elements in leftover material were the result of fission, the separation of uranium .

             (n.d.). Einstein"s theory was used by Meitner to show the loss in mass of the fission process .

             changed to energy (n.d.). .

             Theory of Relativity.

             Albert Einstein. The energy published by the nucleus of an atom as the result of nuclear .

             fission, nuclear fusion, or radioactive decay (Theory of Relativity, All About Science, 2002).

             The Theory of Relativity was proposed by Albert Einstein who lived from 1879-1955 (2002). It .

             is one of the most important scientific theories (2002). He derived the popular equation, E = mc², .

             which reveals the equivalence of mass and energy (2002).

             History of Nuclear Power Plants.

             A nuclear power plant is a system that uses energy from fission reactions to generate.

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