The Justice System and the Guildford Four

Police officers violated this Charter of rights with Gerry Colon and his friend .

             Paul Hill. They pushed Gerry and Paul to write a confession about terrorist act and a .

             murder. Police officers used power, violence over them, and physical and mental .

             abuse. They beat them up and insulted them. Physically: The police put a gun in Paul.

             mouth, pulled Gerry and Paul by the hair. Mentally: frighten to kill them so that they .

             confess. This is at the end gave the police officers a result that they expected. Gerry .

             and Paul gave up and wrote everything what police told them.


             These actions show us the corrupt police investigations. Police officers violated .

             human rights only because they wanted to achieve their goal. Police needed to find who .

             was guilty in terrorist act and in a murder, as fast as it could be possible. And actually.

             they did not really care if these Guildford four were guilty.


             In a trial high on speeches and rhetoric but low on facts, the "Guildford Four," .

             including Gerry and Paul, are sentenced to life in prison because the judge can't find a .

             reason to hang them, and Giuseppe is given fourteen years. When, after sentencing .

             has been carried out, the police find incontrovertible evidence of the Conlon's .

             innocence, they keep it carefully buried--until Gareth Peirce ferrets out the truth in.

             attempting to get Gerry and Giuseppe's convictions overturned. So, the Guildford Four.

             were convicted for what they really did not commit.


             The Crown has shown a good example of perjuries. He swore to speak only the .

             truth on the court. The Crown contradicted himself because he lied about confession. .

             He sad these Guildford four wrote confession by themselves. And he rejected in use of .

             power to them.


             This situation which happened to Guildford Four brought reputation of justice into .

             disrepute. When people understood that the court put in prison innocent people they .

             started to do meetings on the streets.

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