Practice Safe Texting

With this said, a person could be at legal limit of .08, yet still be safer on the road than an individual who is texting and driving.


             Another study by Stephanie Hanes states that Professor Strayer's test prepared at the University of Utah's Applied Cognition Laboratory showed that most people who claim they can, "text, tweet, and talk safely at the wheel" did not multitask the way they claimed they could. Subsequently Professor Strayer states, "For 98 percent of the population, regardless of age, the likelihood of a crash while on a cellphone increases fourfold; the reaction to simulated traffic lights, pedestrians, and vehicles is comparable to that of someone legally intoxicated. .

             Strayer also points out, "texting while driving is a "perfect storm " of distraction, with cognitive, manual, and visual elements. When thinking about how much brain activity involves sending one text message, do not forget to add in how much thinking it takes to drive also. Although a brain is meant to cognitively multitask, texting and driving should not be considered at the same time. On behalf of the safety of the individuals on the roads, people need to take the dangers of texting while driving seriously, and avoid using the two together at all times.


             Although many people know the dangerous risks of texting while driving, many still take part in these actions. Larry Copeland outlines an online survey conducted for teens to see who was aware of the issues of texting and driving, yet who still engaged in these behaviors. It was found that 84% out of the 1,999 teens surveyed, ages 16-19, were aware of the higher risk of crashes, yet 86% still engaged in these dangerous behaviors. After seeing these statistic, I would be part of the 86% of teenagers and young adults driving while distracted by my cell phone. Having to live twenty minutes from my school, and having to take the same route at least twice a day, anything that can distract me from the tiresome drive, I have dangerously attempted; this includes texting while driving.

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