The Expansion of the NFL Generations

The players who usually get paid the most are the franchise players. The franchise players (best players on their team) are treated more valuable and the teams base their game strategies because of talents of those players. While other players are part of a role in the game plan, the franchise players carry most the load to the game plan. The NFL players today can easily be replaced by other upcoming college standouts. Unlike past generations, the competition is even more difficult to play against today because the players want to stay in the league or not be traded to other teams. The NFL continues to improve year after year because of the great competitors that join the league and the current players that do not want to be replaced.


             The rules and regulations of the NFL games have changed significantly and the way the game is watched on television. Most of the rules that changed were for health and injury risk issues because of the full contact sport. For instance, the most recent rule that changed was the head-to-head contact tackle. The head-to-head contact tackle is the incorrect way to tackle, but sometimes other players just want to injury other players for their own reasons. This highlight tackle has been banned due to injuries like brain damage, neck injuries, and concussions. If players attempted to do this tackle they will be fined or suspend for an certain amount of games. Just like any other violation tackle, the head-to-head contact tackle is absorbed in the NFL very closely. While, football equipment has improved over the years for safety issues. There are lighter safety pads that protect your bones with more comfort to your body when absorbed contact. The NFL is always improving the football equipment and trying to avoid past life-threatening injuries such as concussions. Others new rules were also created to improve how the game is played and will protect the football players even better today.

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