The American Politics of Gay Marriage

" Ninety percent of people who described themselves as liberal said they approved of allowing gay couples to wed. The survey found 53 of Republicans were opposed, while 39 percent approved. Just 25 percent of those who said they were conservative favored gay marriage.(Associated Press, 2013) Three decades ago the people of the United States only approved gay marriage by 28 percent. Today, more than half of American citizens approve gay marriage and the government has also stepped in to support the equality for all.

             On May of 2012 when President Barack Obama stated that he supported gay marriage, his statement came as a surprise to many. After Obama made his statement regarding same sex marriage, "200 White House Democrats and 100 White House Republicans also came forward and supported gay marriage."(Schwartz, Liptak,. 2013) With the 2012 presidential election ahead, many wondered what this statement would bring to future politics regarding same sex marriage. Throughout the President Obama's campaign he continued to support the marriage between two men and two women. In January 2013, Obama was reelected as the 44th President of the United States. Many questioned whether he would continue supporting same sex marriage during his second term.

             When Obama was reelected no one expected such a step forward for gay rights to occur, there was only hope. Obama stated in his 2013 Inaugural Address, "Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law" Obama also stated that, "If you believe in limited government and personal responsibility, then you should come to the conclusion that gays and lesbians shouldn't be treated any differently." (Carassava, 2013) The Obama Administration claimed that denying gay couples the right to marry violates the Constitution's equal protection clause. .

             In November of 2012 the issue of same sex marriage was presented to the Supreme Court of the Unites States.

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