Research American Civil War Poetry

            One of the greatest misconceptions of all time is the glamorization of war. This realizes as prolonged as history. Why does population think that the war is glorious, and why population thinks that the war cannot be touched by that? Many population, any person who have never supposed war, and we know from stories conveyed simply of heroic deeds and great courage. There are many intents why the war we humans are impractical even in our minds. Perhaps, we do not know what is truly occurring, misled by other account assertions, or we are afraid of war may truly be that we prevent our reality. Many poets have endeavoured to describe the horrors of war through their work. The main intention of this war is war poets and realistic manner, so that they can escape it. It is definite that these poets loathe war, and they endeavour to remove the glamorization of war, which regularly .

             John Ciardi was trying to come to terms with survival, mortality, death and killing through his literary endeavors - his diary and poems - which give an insight into his inner thoughts and fears. "Saipan," Ciardi's war diary was written in 1944-45. His war poetry collection named Other Skies was published in 1947. He spent three years as an aerial gunner on a B-29.

             The diary depicts the soldiers, their everyday life in the army, the battles, and their crew equipment and reveals the poet's feelings of dread and trauma. The journal casts light upon his transformation, as the diary begins, the poet is ignorant, meaningless - a person who actually does not really care what is happening. "I must have slept through the big scare. Either that or I was too sleepy, or just too ignorant to get decently moved towards survival. Mostly ignorance I guess." He uses comic tone: "No one had ever shot at me before, and I couldn't quite understand anyone beginning to."(pg. 24) This tone of senselessness changes into a vulnerable and terrified human being's memoir and the diary suddenly stops, perhaps he was unable to repress his feelings any longer it must have been too much to bear.

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