Art - Realism, Expressionism and the Abstract

            Realism is an expression of art in real life and in real time, reproducing images exactly as they appear to the eye down to the smallest detail such as a photograph, whereas abstract is a form of art with a particular twist which demonstrates a distortion of the thing being reproduced based on the artists own perceptions and added flare; which in some cases is not recognizable upon its viewing as identifiable to the object that is being represented. This type of art is meant to grab your attention and pull an emotional response right from within you. Once you see that part of the painting or that specific object it keeps you drawn in, and it keeps your mind thinking, and pondering its meaning. Expressionism on the other hand is art that is more associated with emotion or feeling than with literal interpretation of a subject. Expressionistic art will use vivid colors, distortion, two-dimensional subjects that at times lack perspective. It is created to express the emotions of the artist as well as produce an emotional response of the viewer.

             In the photograph "Migrant Mother", 1936, taken by Dorothea Lange you will find a representation of Realism in art form. The picture was taken during the time of the Great Depression, a time of hardship and despair, and it is not very difficult to see how the picture simultaneously captures an overwhelming sense of social class distinction and individual worth. The mere observation of the picture creates within the observer a moment of personal anxiety and empathy for the woman in the picture as he comes to the realization that this is a reality of life for many. The woman's silent worries and fears for her children are clearly depicted by the way she is positioned, from the way that her right arm is reaching up to touch her chin to the look of despair and a somewhat absent mindedness behind her eyes. Her children wearing dirty ragged clothes, with their backs turned to the camera, bury their heads on their moms shoulder giving the impression of shame and disappointment, while seeking comfort from their mother.

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