Human Rights Violations (FGM)

            Article 1 in the Declaration of Human Rights lays down the fundamental most basic platform to begin any discussion of human rights stating: "All persons are created equal. It would be nice to have the naivety to believe in one blanket statement encompassing all of humanity. Of course, as becomes clear every time you read a newspaper or turn on the news, how we view others and how they view us becomes entrenched in ideas of the "other " and who and what they are and where they belong in society. .

             Culture, religion, imperialistic and colonial ideologies provide a lens through which the world is seen. With this in mind, how can one speak of universal human rights? What happens when cultural beliefs will not allow room for UN Declarations etc. etc. to be heard over the voice of long standing traditions. Where can human rights enter the dialogue with the deep-rooted belief systems of a community who subordinate members of their own community and perpetrate human rights violations against them? Who makes the rules for the abolition of practices deemed as human rights violations and what do they bring to the table from their own cultural perspective that limits their ability to view objectively? It is with these questions in mind, I chose to focus my paper on the issue of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and the complications endured by human rights organizations as they tackle this issue. What is the best course of action when dealing with an issue, such as FGM in a patriarchal society that confers an inferior status on women? Is it possible to change deeply rooted traditions and provide an alternative that in turn, does not reduce a women's place in a community to an even lesser position? .

             What is the obligation of the state in eradicating such human rights violations? What effect does globalization have on cultural practices? Does the practice become more a bigger issue when a European child is taken to a remote African village for this procedure? Why are the instances of FGM on the rise? (provide stats).

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