The Choice of Life or the Death Penalty

            Since the beginning of time, there has always been the problem of the occurrence of crime. When crime occurs, the criminal has to face a punishment for their actions, all punishments differing for the crime that was committed. Although most punishments are agreed upon and not disputed one particular type of punishment has caught the eye of the general public and created a controversy that has been debated since its creation. I believe not only should the death penalty should be used but also it should be used more often against criminals that commit the most horrid of crimes.


             In a moral stand point the death penalty should be used against any homicide crimes. When a person is killed there is no bringing them back; they are gone forever. While the killer gets to remain alive to breathe, eat, and sleep on this earth. In all fairness why should that criminal be allowed the same rights he or she chose to take away from another human being? Not only was the victim effected by the killing but the victim's family members are now grieving from a loss and have to deal with the fact that a member of their family's life was taken from them in an unfair manner. For one person to be able to create that much pain, suffering, loss, and to be able to live their life here on earth is absurd. The victim did not have a say on whether or not he or she could live, say goodbye to their family members, or appeal their death so why should the criminal be able to?.


             Also the victim's family might find it morally right for them to seek justice as equal to the crime committed. For a family to be expected to live everyday with the knowledge that the killer of their son, daughter, or even mother is still breathing and not be upset or frustrated is insane. How do you explain to a family that had a member killed, brutally taken away from them with no warning that the killer is allowed to live on? More families would feel more at ease knowing that the criminal convicted of the murder is no longer living and received the punishment deserved for the crime.

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