Ralph in Lord of the Flies

            After a few continuous moments of weeping, the boys gathered themselves together and began wondering what would happen to them. The silence was deafening. The naval officer drew closer; where the uncivilized boys were standing. They were quiet with not even a whisper coming out of their mouths. The sound of the sand crunching under his two enormous feet sounded like it was right next to our ears. "Sir Ralph, said the officer, "Inform everyone to come abroad. ".

             All of a sudden even before, Ralph could turn around, a huge wave crashed against the beach. On this particular day the tide was higher than usual. As the tide runs out, two small figures lay washed up on the sand. We all stood inquisitively staring of into the distance, from where the bodies washed up. The naval officer began to walk towards the figures. He gradually bent down to study the bodies. He gazed up at the boys, with a blank look on his face. He waved his hand to signal to them to come over. Right in front of them was the two dead bodies of some of their closest friends Piggy and Simon. The boy was dead-on about there being a sea monster. The monster returned the sacrifices to server justice. .

             "Please enlighten me, " the officer commanded in a stern voice. .

             It seemed as if Jack and Roger had got the wind knocked out of them. They both turned as white as a ghost. Ralph just stood speechless with a river of tears streaming down his face. He whimpered for his best friends.

             "How could it be, " asked Jack uttered under his breath. .

             "Do I have to repeat myself, " demanded the officer. .

             In turn the boys provided the officer their version of the adventure that took place on the deserted island. Beginning with the conch and ending with the last hunt. After they were done, the officer directed each of the boys on the boat. Once Jack and Roger stepped onto the boat, two additional officers put the boy's hands behind their backs and handcuffed them.

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