Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect

            These days the problem of global warming is being discussed all over the world. People today see global warming as a both real and dangerous threat. Many idealists painted visual pictures of different scenarios which changed the way the public thinks. Drastic descriptions of high-rising sea levels, scorching heat waves, and wild weather have citizens of this world in fear. Highly respected people continue on repeating how it is very important to take care of our planet. With more and more human intrusions each day, we are putting our precious planet in peril, so some believe. .

             There isn't any type of hard evidence that allows us to predict the severity of global warming due to the amount of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are harmful gases that include carbon dioxide, methane, and chlorofluorocarbons. The most common of the three is carbon dioxide, also known as CO2. Carbon dioxide is emitted into the air in a number of ways. It is emitted naturally through the carbon cycle and through human activities like the burning of fossil fuels. Man-made resources that emit a large amount of CO2 in the atmosphere are the outstanding use of vehicles deforestation, and burning the burning of oil, coal, and gas. Natural Sources of CO2 occur within the carbon cycle where billions of tons of CO2 are removed from the atmosphere by oceans and growing plants, and are emitted back into the atmosphere through the same process. After this cycle is completed, the balance of CO2 emitted and removed is fairly equal. (1).


             The earth as a planet has its own atmosphere which protects harmful rays from entering. Our earth receives most of its energy, called radiation, from the sun. This energy is electromagnetic radiation with small amounts of IR (infrared radiation) and UV (ultraviolet radiation) radiation. These radiations from the sun pass through the earth's atmosphere fairly easy, to the earth's surface. The earth's surface absorbs the energy and releases some of it back into space.

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