Capital Punishment - The Death Penalty


             They also say that "if electrocution or lethal injection will deter murder, then burning at the .

             stake, drawing and quartering will be even more effective (Flanders, 1991) ". .

             The validity of the death penalty as a just form of punishment for offenders has .

             continually spawned extreme tension throughout our society. Mentioning the words "death .

             penalty " has a tendency to to provoke arguments from activists on both sides of this .

             conflicting issue. Activists for the use of such form of punishment as a means to deter offenders, .

             view this kind of action as justice for all, while the opposition may argue about the possibilities .

             of executing innocent persons, in addition to the act being considered a murderous one. The use .

             of the death penalty varies greatly with each country. Some countries disallow its use while .

             others rarely allow it and other countries never use it. China, on the other hand, executes more .

             than three thousand people a year (Greenberg & West, 2008). The constant debate about the .

             morality and effectiveness of the death penalty can be argued by individuals who fight against its .

             existence. .

             The argument stemming from activists against the death penalty is that it violates the .

             eighth amendment rights of citizens. They also posit that the use of such form of punishment is .

             cruel and unusual and by the government endorsing its use, is a violation of said law. .

             It is safe to surmise that, in general, people will always find ways in which to exploit each other .

             so long as it is for their benefit. With that being said, the justice system is set in place not .

             only to deter such exploits but provide some form of punitive actions to satisfy citizens .

             who have been violated and protect the rights of life, liberty and property for all of our .

             citizens. For the extremist whose belief is that punishment should be severe in order to deter .

             other criminals, viewing the justice system with this frame of mind justifies the necessity for the .

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