Online Social Sites and the Erosion of Privacy

But the companies do not want us to know about these changes, and therefore, we are ignorant about these changes. The companies use such tricks as business tactics. According to the authors, Belanger Craig and Laura Finley, both the authors assert that "Since many people are free with the information they post about themselves, these websites are frequently used to investigate a person's character and social habits. Popular sites like Facebook and MySpace have been used by potential employers and law enforcement agencies to gather information about individuals " (Belanger, Laura). These days after the drug test and background check, recruiters insist that job seekers should go through a Facebook account test. These tests reveal the true characteristics and give an insight into a person. Belanger and Finley state, "Facebook allows users to offer information about their religious preference, educational background, or favorite books, films and songs " (Belanger, Laura). Facebook retains this data in the future for its own use.

             Is there anything good about social networking websites? One good feature of social networks which people appreciate is that online social networks not only connect friends, family and relatives within a country but also globally. The authors Whittaker Anne and Geraldine Wagner refute by observing that "Studies show that Facebook follows an offline to online trend, meaning that members use Facebook to keep in touch with people they meet in person. Students moving to new areas of the country use Facebook to solidify casual acquaintances that they would otherwise not be able to maintain " [Whittaker, Geraldine, 2]. Almost all the popular social networks including Orkut, Facebook, and Twitter are free to use and can be used to send a message from Asia to America within seconds. Some social networks also give the user the option to make a free computer-computer voice call right from the home page of the social network account.

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