Generation Now

By2025, when world population is projected to be 8 billion, 48 countries containing 3 billion people will face shortages". Water is a fundamental resource that every carbon based species requires for life. According to the Associated Content "the approximate amount of days you can go without water is anywhere from 8-14 days, depending on environmental conditions ". .


             The shortage of water isn't something we should be taking lightly. This is a huge deal and people need to start putting in more effort to save our environment. As human population continues to grow, so does the pollution of our water supply. According to Global Population and Environment, "In America, 218 million citizens live within 10 miles of a polluted water source, and forty percent of the country's waters are unsafe for fishing, swimming, or supporting aquatic life ". .


             With human population on a constant rise, the food supply is becoming less available for all living organisms. It is disheartening when hearing how many people in the world are currently suffering from starvation, worse, the people who are dying from starvation. According to an article titled Starving Population Escalates to 1 Billion Worldwide, "the number of chronically hungry people escalates and is nearly 1 billion starving people around the world. ".


             Let's take a look into Africa alone, and how many people are starving in a continent full of less developed countries and have been torn apart by countless civil wars. According to Africa's 200 Million Empty Plates, "if current trends continue, the most vulnerable population, kids under five, would be hit hardest. The youngest group of malnourished children would climb from 28 million to more than 33 million". We are letting our children starve as of right now, imagine how many children will be starving if we continue on the path that we are currently on. .


             Starvation will continue to increase if the interference with agriculture continues.

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