Generation Now

            Human population is on a rapid growth. As human population continues to grow so quickly, the environments natural resources are going to be at a high risk of depletion. Therefore, the ecological sustainability is in question. We as humans are not taking this matter seriously. Do we really think there is just an endless supply of natural resources that we can just keep reproducing so rapidly without consequences? Absolutely not! We will be discussing how human population is becoming an environmental problem, current solutions in place to mainstream human population and finally introducing "Generation Now"," an action plan to help correct and maintain population within the United States. .


             First, let's examine human population and where it currently stands. The world has over 6,876,263,962 people inhabiting earth. China has a whopping population of 1,333,998,340, India has 1,182,688,293, and the United States has merely 312,013,685. These numbers are as of February 2, 2011, according to Geo-Hive, Population Statistics (1). Each country's population is growing in size every minute. Stabilizing an ever growing population is a challenge.


             As population grows, so does the reliance on natural resources and supplies currently available. Due to the diverse nature of humans here on earth, we are capable of adapting to our surroundings no matter what the climate or resource availability may be. People throughout the ages have taken what is accessible and learned how to utilize the conditions to best survive. One example is in a cold climate, one must keep warm using what nature has provided, heating materials, clothing, and shelter. To keep nourished throughout each season one must hunt, gather, and store the needed supplies to feed their families during the harsh months. Humans billions of years ago learned from animals, how to adapt and continue to live in any environment, no matter the conditions.

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