One Decision Can Change Your Life

            Embrace yourself for the fast pace nonstop roller coaster ride of life. It is filled with twists, turns, highs and lows that spin us through the galaxy at speeds of 1,070 miles per hour. We often look ahead to prepare for the next hurdle and decide where to build our track, but at these speeds this is no easy task. Not only do our lives travel at high speeds that require quick decisions, our lives our surrounded by a magnitude of senses that we need to define and interpret. Although life is constantly in motion, one decision can change our trajectory and causes us to interpret and define the world around us in a different perspective.

             All it takes is one decision to change your entire life. Just one decision can be the difference between being a doctor or a janitor. Everyone in society has that one decision that creates their future, whether it's the decision to get married or even a simple decision to write an essay. This one decision can alter their course of life. For example, Willy from "Death of a Sales Man" made one decision that caused him to take his own life. Willy decided to take the path of a salesman which caused him to unsuccessful and depressed. It's possible that if he would have moved to Alaska with his brother, he might have been happy and lived a successful life; however, that one decision lead him into a completely different life. It is terrifying to know that one decision can be the determining factor of your life, but as human being we know how are important our actions can be. Adults often reflect upon that one decision in their life that has gotten them here; the turning point of their life. They look back and wonder what if, what if we would have done this instead of that. As a thinker, I am puzzled by this concept and often wonder what decisions I make now will create my future. I do not want to be one of those adults who wished they could go back in time and change their decision.

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