Single and Dual Parent Homes

            Many kids are raised in a single family home where there is an absent parent be it the mother or the father. Some live and grow their whole childhood being raised by only one parent. It appears that single family homes are becoming more and more known. Some kids are still blessed to grow up with both parents in the home yet it is becoming rare in this 20th century. In 2010, according to the U.S.Census there were 11.7 million single parents living with their children (Census). Many single parents raise well-mannered children. Some raise children that stay out of trouble and grow up to be successful adults. On the contrary, some seem to think that disciplinary problems, anger issues, and depressions are side effects of children raised by a single parent. Some also seem to think that a child being raised in a single parent household will learns differently and is less likely to succeed. Any parent or parents can raise a well-mannered, intelligent hard working, successful child. (Ricciuti 196).

             Just because a child is raised in a single parent environment doesn't mean that that child will be a troublemaker or grow up to be unsuccessful. A lot kids grow up with just their mother in the household and some grow up in what is called a multi-generational home, where there is a grandparent in the home as well. In an article about single parents and muti-generational family structures, the authors state that children living in a single parent environment or muti-generational household developmental outcomes are just as high if not higher as those raised in a married or two parent household (Deleire).


             Some seem to think that kids being raised in a single family home are less successful, academically challenged and at risk of being more depressive and have attitude issues more than kids raised in two parent homes. In a report about child behavior in single family homes, the author states that parenting attitudes predict a child's behavior.

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