Road to the Civil War

            The Compromise of 1850 led a series of events set out to prevent war. It seem the United States is always at war. This compromise of consisted of negotiations including issues on: slavery, land, and money. Also there were events that helped lead to war such as the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Tensions between the north and the south. .

             The Compromise of 1850 contained many different ideas; California was admitted to the Union as the 16th free state as one of the first proposes. In exchange, the south was guaranteed that no federal restrictions on slavery would be placed on Utah or New Mexico. Texas lost its boundary claims in New Mexico, and was compensated with $10 million, many of these ideas helping to prevent to war. The attempted Compromise of 1850 was an unsuccessful effort to prevent a civil war. .

             The Kansas-Nebraska Act was a reopened debate over slavery proposed by Stephen Douglass. His intention was to build a railroad that would pass through Chicago. To do this he needed to organize and settle the Kansas and Nebraska territory. Given this idea, It is suggested that the lands are organized through popular sovereignty. In other to achieve this they had to repeal the Missouri Compromise. This movement brought the attention of pro-slavery people to move to Kansas and Nebraska hoping to control them. Both the north and the south encouraged people to move to the new territories. Then during a voting, pro-slavery people from Missouri illegally voted in Kansas. This leave to the creation of pro-slavery legislation.

             The importance of war is inevitable after considering the timeline leading to the civil war even though, its impact seem negative at times. The loss of life and resources is tragic but many times the outcome of the war moved the United States forward shaping her into the country she is today.

             Tobacco was the crop to grow. It grew successfully and was in demand. In 1620, the demand for tobacco reached an all time high and the prices of products in Europe rose.

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