The Election: Obama and Romney

However, in this article, Obama's Medicare Plan: Seniors Will Pay More, have stated-"Obamacare already mandates $716 billion in Medicare payment cuts over the next 10 years, but these cuts are not targeted at specific instances of "waste, fraud, and abuse. " Rather, they are across-the-board changes in Medicare payment formulas for hospitals, nursing homes, home health agencies, hospice agencies, and Medicare Advantage plans. "(Moffit, Hederman, and Senger Par.4). That meaning today's seniors are facing higher Medicare costs. Over the next five years, current law, as amended by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, also known as "Obamacare "), and President Obama's budget proposals guarantee higher costs for today's seniors. .

             Here is one of the discussions regarding Obama-care in an article, Obama Medicare Plan: No Voucher but Maybe a Bill, "Q: Medicare's in-house economic analysts have warned that cuts in Obama's healthcare law could eventually drive some hospitals into the red. The healthcare industry is pushing for repeal of a Medicare cost-control board in the law, saying more cuts will reduce access for seniors. What will Obama do if seniors start having problems getting the care they need? @ The administration says that's unlikely to happen. Cuts are being introduced gradually, and dozens of pilot programs are testing ways to provide better care for less money. Health care costs are in a lull, buying time to make changes. Studies indicate there is plenty of waste to be cut. "(Zaldivar Par. 24). But if Obama's advisers are wrong and the system starts to seize up, most experts believe Congress would intervene. "Congress is always going to step in if there is a real perception that quality and access for Medicare beneficiaries would suffer broadly," said Mark McClellan, who ran Medicare for President George W. Bush (Zaldivar Par. 27). .

             In the meantime, social security is much less imminent issue than Medicare.

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