Illegal Immigrants and the Importance of Documentation

            Ever since it's founding in 1776, and even before then, the United States has attracted immigrants from around the world. For well over two centuries, people have flocked under this nation's protective wings as opportunities, sojourners, missionaries, refuges, and even illegal aliens. With the Statue of Liberty greeting Europeans entering Ellis Island, and The Golden Bridge greeting Chinese and other Asians into San Francisco, the United States (US) has long since been a refuge of the world, with opportunities abound and freedom for all. Over time, millions around the world have found emigrating to the U.S. as the only alternative to starvation, death, or a life full of hardship and suffering. With thousands from nations spanning the globe, Americans has become a mosaic of people, culture, and hope. .


             Illegal immigration is a big issue in the United States today. There are so many issues to address about them. Because they are undocumented we do not know how many are actually even here. Many people claim that illegal immigrants are taking the jobs from Americans citizen. Some people say that it's not fair, that illegal's get benefits that the taxpayers pay for when illegal immigrants don't pay taxes. Some people say illegal immigrants are good for our economy, while others strongly disagree. So one may wonder, are illegal immigrants actually good for our economy, or are they bad? I would like to argue that the illegal immigrants in our community are if anything, good for our .

             economy. It would be good for the economy if the illegal immigrants that want documents for education, pay taxes, have a well paid job and live in a home to have the opportunity to receive the legal documents for the US and have the illegal immigrants that want to commit crimes, do illegal activities leave this country. .


             Illegal immigrants that have entered the United State have been part of the cause of the population growth within the states.

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