Symptoms and Cures for Breast Cancer

            Breast Cancer is a horrible cancer that I wish never existed. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women. However, with all-of -these walk/ run for the cure hopefully soon with all of the research they will be able to find a cure to this deadly disease. According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts in the cells of the breast (American Cancer Society).


             Unfortunately, there is no real "cause " of breast cancer. As you get older and if you have a family history of breast cancer, then obviously you are at a high risk of developing breast cancer. According to WebMD, women who are over 50 are at a higher risk of getting breast cancer than younger women, and African Americans are at higher risk than white females before menopause (WebMD).

             There are two genes that have been identified that are responsible for some instances of familial breast cancer. The two genes are BRCA 1 and BRCA 2. (American Cancer Society). However, breast cancer could possibly be avoided if you go at the recommended age of 40 and start getting some testing done. There are many tests that can be done to detect breast cancer. The most common is a mammogram- is when pictures of the breast are taken. There is an ultrasound-uses high frequency waves to create an image of the tissue in the breast. Another test that could be done is a biopsy in which a small amount of breast tissue is removed and tested under a microscope. An MRI- produces detailed images of the body. There are two other options that could also be added to this, blood testing, which is when blood is drawn and tested for breast cancer, and genetic testing of the tumor, which is the biology of the tumor (Mayo Clinic).


             After doing research from the Mayo Clinic there are several symptoms that occur to let you know if you have breast cancer or if you need to be tested for breast cancer.

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