Greece's Economic Crisis

            An increasing amount of turmoil and stress has set in over Greece.

             which has had a significant impact on not only the citizens of the nation,.

             but also at a much larger level on a global scale. Over the past 30 years.

             Greece has slowly followed in the tracks of other countries that have faced.

             similar economic collapses. There are many economic, financial, political,.

             and social issues that are similar to those of Argentina, which defaulted.

             in 2001. With the current administration of Greece having borrowed far too.

             much after joining the Euro in 2001, the New Democracy and PASOK (Pan.

             Hellenic Socialist Movement) also failed to make necessary reforms after.

             the global crisis in 2008. Initial denial by the government about the.

             amount of money borrowed, followed by commitments that could not be met.

             resulted in the downfall of Greece's international standing, which is when.

             the citizens of the country began to feel the hardships associated with an.

             economic downfall.


             Greece's private sector was more than willing to use large sums of.

             money throughout the country, but only to lessen their personal.

             responsibility when the sudden economic upturn ended. Demanding creditors.

             willingly took part in this costly risk. Yet, when it became clear that.

             Greece was starting to enter a time of serious financial distress the.

             creditors continued to dismiss any negative notions while lying to the.

             public about the truth of the situation. The issues arose when the private.

             sector along with the government could not come to an agreement of who was.

             responsible for the economic downfall and this lead Greece into a period of.

             significant political, social and economic unrest.

             But neither the Greek government nor its private creditors acted.

             appropriately. Both took refuge in the political cover provided by the.

             European unification effort, which was intended to secure Europe's well.

             being through economic and political intervention on the basis of credible.

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