Making Life Choices

             In life, every single day we are confronted with the idea that we must make a choice. Whether the choice is what we are eating, what we are wearing and other silly things like that. Although these choices may seem like a big deal at the time, in the big picture of life they are minuscule. Throughout my adolescence I was constantly making choices that I thought were a big deal, but it wasn't until my senior year of high school that I was faced with one of the biggest choices of my life; where I would attend college. .

             During high school I had this fantasy about college, I wanted to go to a big school, with a big football team. I wanted challenging academic classes and most importantly an incredible psychology program where I would be able to not only have the most amazing four years of my life, but a great education and going into the field that I love. So when getting accepted to Michigan State University, I thought my dream had come true. At first, my parents were hesitant about sending me to school so far away, but after begging endless amounts of times my parents were going to let me live my dream. I toured the school; I picked a roommate, registered for classes, purchased all of my game day gear and could not have been more excited. After my parents moved me in and I said my goodbyes a black cloud began to form. Within four days of me being there, I knew I had made a bad choice. I called my parents in tears as they told me that I had to be a big girl and survive the semester. .

             To me I thought this was going to be the end of the world, but I did it. I really enjoyed all of my classes, went to all the football games, but something was still making me unhappy. With me being unhappy came my second big choice, what now. Without much thinking and just wanting to get out of the school, I chose going to a school that was willing to re accept me with open arms without even having to re-apply, University of Hartford.

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