Addiction in Film - The Lord of the Rings

            "Addiction is characterized by inability to consistently abstain, impairment in behavioral control, cravings, diminished recognition of significant problems with one's behaviors and interpersonal relationships, and a dysfunctional emotional response. " Or so says the American Society of Addiction Medicine. Typically when I think of addiction I think of drugs, but it really covers a wide variety or substances and even action people use. You can even become addicted to your routine, and when something doesn't go as planned your whole day is shattered. I found a very interesting example of non-drug addiction when I watched The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring,.


             The Lord of the Rings series was recently released and based on several books written by J. R. R. Tolkien in 1954. It is a story of a young hobbit that goes on an adventure, which is quite untypical in the hobbit culture. The adventure begins with his uncle gifting him a ring. To make a very long (but great) story shorter, the ring was crafted by dark magic and in the ˜dark times' was used to control the world. Bilbo, Frodo's uncle, found the ring on a previous adventure and has kept it secret ever since. The only power the ring seemingly has is to make the wearer invisible. Frodo soon learns that the ring must be destroyed and sets off on his quest to do so. .


             The ring starts to show its addictive properties very soon, Bilbo has a hard time parting with the ring when he decides he wants to leave it to Frodo, and you even see it change his mood into a volatile and aggressive defense of 'his' ring. With some support, found in an old friend Gandalf, he is able to leave the ring behind. Gandalf is also the one who helps Frodo realize that the ring must be destroyed. Frodo and his best friend Sam leave the Shire (their home land) and set out to Mt. Doom to destroy the ring. Throughout the entirety of their journey the fellowship is hunted by what they call Black Riders, essentially black cloaked ghost types that want the ring.

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