Disc Golf - The Sport of a New Generation

            Disc Golf is a sport that most have never heard of.

             that disc golf has grown at a rate of twelve to fifteen percent annually.

             for the the past decade. Why is this important you ask? Disc Golf is a.

             sport that not only men and women can play but also children, seniors and.

             handicapped. It can be incorporated into the school system as a new and.

             refreshing sport for kids, it promotes a healthy lifestyle and most of all.

             gets people outside to enjoy nature and exercise. These are things that.

             most of society has failed to utilize more now then ever.

             As the sport of Disc Golf inches ever so closely to mainstream there are.

             many great positives that support why it should be in the forefront. Many.

             feel that it's the next big thing to hit the sports market since.

             skateboarding. However, it has yet to receive a major push or sponsorship.


             The Educational Disc Golf Experience (E.D.G.E.) was developed by a group.

             of World Champion disc golfers and subject matter experts as a tool to.

             teach kids and students this fun easy-to-learn sport. The program also.

             links classroom subjects like math and science to the sport. For example,.

             when throwing the disc, factors like wind, angle of release and hand.

             placement on the disc all matter when trying to make it fly to the.


             Course growth has almost doubled in the past three years, with 3,000 courses.

             in the U.S. alone and that number is increasing every few months. The.

             main positive with course growth is that towns, parks or even private land.

             owners can put in a course for minimum upfront cost. There is potential.

             for the course to pay for itself within the first year depending on if.

             there is a fee to play or not. Towns could add Disc Golf as a staple.

             feature to a local park area. A pro shop could add revenue to the town and.

             would give people the ability to try the sport by renting or even using.

             loaner discs to play.

             Social media is continuing to gain momentum which is a perfect tool to.

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