The Scientist

            Sitting in his old beat up 1980's white Buick, his face has a scared look to it while looking around the buildings parking lot. He's looking from his car at all the trees in front of him moving side to side, then he proceeded to zipper his jacket all the way up and lift his hood over his head to keep warm for the few seconds it takes to run to the huge double doors of the building. He quickly got out of his car and rushed to the front of his building with these strongly made heavy doubles doors, then pushed threw it as hard as he can. When he got inside he was shivering really badly even though he had 2 layers of clothing. He sighed then proceeded to walk to the metal detector, took off the clothing he just put on in his car not even 2 minutes before because of policy. He put his keys in the plastic tub and some loose change from his pockets. The new security guard on duty asked him for his id, and he quickly responded with "I have worked here for twenty years why would I have to show you my id? " The security guard responded "sir I'm just doing my job, I'm the only guard on duty since its 6:15am and you're the first worker to arrive in the building. The big sign to the right said it all; "any entry into building must have proper identification to gain access". He handed the security guard his id, the security guard looked at the id and looked back at him to make sure he was the right face to the picture, then moved towards the white computer and you heard a few mouse clicks and typing then proceeded to say "thank you Mr. Levenstien have a great day". Mr. Levenstein proceeded to walk down the hallway where the floor is made of a light color marble and the walls were made of marble as well but a really dark jet black trimming. He pushed the gold elevator up button; the elevator is on the top level at the moment. .

             While he was waiting for the elevator to come down from the top, two bells rang one for each floor the elevator passed through before it got to ground level.

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